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A young mother killed by her husband Saturday in Indianapolis in the 3000 block Armory Drive

Police found 26-year-old Amber Morgan beaten and shot. 

Her husband admitted to killing her saying, “I took my wife’s life,” and, “I did something bad. I need to go to jail.”

Amber just became a mom 5 weeks ago to a baby girl.

Her mom told us the pending arrival of the baby caused her husband Robert Cooley to spiral out of control. Amber said Friday night she wanted a divorce.

Her mom told us, “The last five weeks as a new mom she called me almost every day and said, ‘This is the greatest job I have on earth.’”

Amber was a kindergarten teacher in the Victory College Prep network.

“Amber Morgan’s warm smile, nurturing spirit and caring heart set the best examples for our youngest and most impressionable students,” read a statement from the school.

Robert Cooley faces an initial hearing Tuesday on a charge of murder.

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